Volkswagen Passat - bouwjaar 2008

Start date
Expected end
DIKAIOMA (Kantoor)
Judicial officer
Michel Vandemoortele
Viewing Days
Most items can be viewed on the location below. Some items are stored on a different location, this is clearly indicated on the item.
Joye T'Rec
Izegemsestraat 97
8800 Roeselare
Most items can be viewed on the given location during the following periods. Some items have different hours or location, which is clearly stated on the item.
Note: bellen naar 051/24.88.80 om afsrpaak te maken
Pickup days
Most items can be picked up at the following location: Some items are stored on a different location, this is clearly indicated on the item.
Joye T'Rec
Izegemsestraat 97
8800 Roeselare
Most items need to be picked up at the given location during the following periods. Some items need to be picked up at a different location or at different hours. This is clearly stated on the item.
Note: bellen naar 051/24.88.80 om afspraak te maken

stationwagen Volkswagen Passat, vijfdeurs, gasolie, zwarte kleur, datum eerste registratie 22/09/2008, kilometerstand: 229297 km, voorzien van één sleutel en kentekenbewijs deel 1, auto start met booster (batterij stuk)

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Time remaining
Ends on 16/07/2024 09:00:00
Open for bids
Waiting to start
Item is no longer available.
Auction lot Information
Highest bidder
My bid
To be able to place a bid, you need to subscribe first.
Retribution: 7.5 %
VAT on retribution: 21 %

Viewing address:
Joye T'Rec
Izegemsestraat 97
8800 Roeselare
Note: op afspraak, bellen naar 051/24.88.80
Pickup address:
Joye T'Rec
Izegemsestraat 97
8800 Roeselare
Note: op afspraak, bellen naar 051/24.88.80

stationwagen Volkswagen Passat, vijfdeurs, gasolie, zwarte kleur, datum eerste registratie 22/09/2008, kilometerstand: 229297 km, voorzien van één sleutel en kentekenbewijs deel 1, auto start met booster (batterij stuk)